All rooms have the name of a flower
The magnolia is a plant with beautiful crown and large tulip or star flowers, with colors ranging from white, to pinkish white or pink. The genus consists of about 80 species of flowering trees and shrubs, rustic, semi-evergreen, evergreen or deciduous, very ornamental. The magnolia is native to the southern regions of the USA, Japan, China and Korea
Curiosity: in many botanical gardens and parks you can find centennial specimens, with spectacular dimensions.
The peony is part of the family of the Ranunculaceae. It is a perennial deciduous, herbaceous or shrub. The flower it produces is rich in scented petals and has many shades of colors, from white to very bright colors. There are two main groups of peonies: woody and herbaceous.
Asia is the continent of origin of the peony plant and China is the place where it has been cultivated since ancient times.
Perennial herbaceous plant, up to 50 cm tall with a small woody bush at the base; the flowers are purplish-fuchsia. Flowering from May to August. This plant loves sunny environments, dry meadows, rocky slopes, regardless of the substrate; it is located at an altitude of 500 to 2000 m. Present in all Italian regions except Friuli Venezia Giulia and Sardinia.
Curiosity: the name "carthusianorum" is dedicated to the order of the Carthusians or, according to another etymology, to the brothers Karthäuser, German naturalists of the XVIII sec. It was also called "carthusianorum".
Lilium is commonly known as lily and is a plant belonging to the family of Liliaceae. It is an evergreen shrub native to the European and American continents.
Curiosity: giving a lily is a gift linked to purity and chastity, nobility and pride of mind, and obviously innocence and candor. Depending on the color, the meaning varies: White Lily: virginity, purity, majesty; Golden Lily: symbolizes perseverance; Yellow Lily: nobility; Pink Lily: vanity, delicacy and candor, linked to the female sphere, it depicts chastity and virginity; Lily Orange: earthly nobility, to be given to someone who is highly esteemed; Lily Fuchsia: freshness, with youth, with imminent and radical changes. It is, in short, flowers to give to those who are about to change their lives, change their jobs, change the place where they live; Lily of the Valley: sweetness, return to happiness; Martagone Lily: symbolizes mystical virginity; Giglio of the Incas: devotion.